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This is my first time installing a golf grip. What do I need to know?

Congrats! Installing your first grip is a big step towards improving your game. We cover all aspects on the install process here: How-To Regrip Your Clubs (be sure to watch the installation video for the brand of grips you purhased) and review this article: How-To Use Grip Tape.


Help! I'm not sure what golf grips to choose.

That's what we're here for! Please contact us so we can find out more about your game, and what type of golf grips would work best for you.


What is the difference between 58R and 60R grips?  

Both are considered standard sizes and most people consider the difference to be rather insignificant.  Some grips only come in the 60R standard size.  If you install the 58R grip on a 60R, it will be very slightly bigger (1/32") but most players cannot tell the difference.  


Why is my bubble grip the same size as a standard grip?

All bubble grips are designed to have the same outer diameter as a standard grip. This means that uninstalled, a bubble grip will look identical to a standard grip. The only difference between the two is the thickness and feel of the grip. The material of a bubble grip is much thinner and softer than a regular grip and will be able to stretch onto the bubble shaft with the use of a special tool (hint: see next question).


Can I install a bubble grip using the same method as a standard grip?

No. A bubble grip can ONLY be installed with a special bubble grip installer tool, such as the Ultimate Grip Installer. Because bubble grips are meant to be stretched onto the shaft, they will not be properly installed if you try to push or slide it onto the shaft the same way as a regular grip. 


What's the difference between ribbed and round golf grips? 

From the outside, both round and ribbed grips look identical. However, on the inside there is a small ridge that runs the length of the inside of the grip. Only after a ribbed grip is properly installed will you be able to feel the ridge. When you address the golf ball with your club, you'll be able to feel this rib in your upper hand. Some golfers benefit from this as a reminder of proper hand/finger placement on the club. A round grip, of course, does not have this ridge.


What is the best solvent to use for re-gripping?

We sell tape solvent (made by Brampton Technologies) in all our grip kits. But you should know that this solvent is actually NOT the most effective one for re-gripping. We use it and sell it here because it is the only one safe enough to meet all California environmental regulations. A better option would be mineral spirits which makes the tape very slippery and easy for the grip to slide on. You can purchase mineral spirits at any hardware or home improvement store.


Why do you need solvent for re-gripping?

Solvent is only used to activate the (stickiness of the) tape. You can re-use it a few times, before it dries, which is usually why club-builders allow the solvent to drip into a pan while re-gripping.


Have questions about your order, shipping, or returns? See our Grips4less FAQ here. 


Or get in touch, we're always happy to hear from our customers! Contact us.